Tuesday, November 18, 2008



Proposition 4 on the 2008 California election called for 48 hour parent notification that a pregnant minors’ parents be notified prior to the performing of an abortion. Arguing against the proposition, and winning, were childless entities such as Family Planning and Womens Rights Activist Organizations. Losing: Parents and their children.

Advancing the main argument against Pop4, these organizations said that

notification to parents may (could be, might happen, in some cases, etc) result in abuse by the parent or guardian of the defenseless young girls.

Absent from the discussion was the covered over fact that in every case of underage pregnancy, a crime has been committed. Statutory Rape. As it stands, these girls are being sent right back into the same environment where the crime was committed. The law-breakers are undetected, unpunished and unleashed to repeat their offense against the girls.

This is the third such defeat for a similar law. Parents rights were lost in 2004, 2006 as well. It’s time to re-group and start over. At the national level. We need grass roots leadership because this won’t be easy with the current liberal government. Just remember, we are still a government for the people, by the people. You can cast your first vote here. NOW.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

When does life begin?

If you watched the Pastor Rick Warren television interviews with the presidential candidates, Senator Obama and Senator McCain, you might remember Dr. Warrens question to both candidates: "When does life begin?" Senator McCain’s response was quick and decisive: “at Conception”. Senator Obama’s reply was neither quick nor decisive. He said: “I’m going to have to leave that up to someone in a higher pay grade”. Now, you can take that in a lot of ways:

1. I don’t have to decide that until I am president. or

2. A higher pay grade than senator or president is God Himself. or

3. A host of other arguments typical of most politicians such as “that

depends upon what the definition of what is. . .is!”

Based upon his answer, Senator Obama is going to have to admit that: Life begins anywhere between conception and birth! There are no other reasonable conclusions. That means: Termination of the normal development of an unborn fetus is MURDER! We must give the life of an unborn fetus “the benefit of doubt”. We must define an abortion as a death of one of Gods children.